Optic nerve is the wirelikestructure which transmits electric signal generated in the retina to the brain.
Optic nerve is one of the important cranial nerves.
Optic nerve functioning is essential to good vision and good color vision.
Common optic nerve disorders are Optic neuritis and Optic disc edema
It is generally sudden, painless, loss of vision in one eye in an otherwise normal person.
It is a medical emergency and requires emergent treatment.
The patient’s health has to be evaluated by an ophthalmologist.
The important clinical features are : reduced vision, reduced color vision, affected pupillary reaction (typically known as RAPD- Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect), sometimes pain in eye movements .
After a proper physician evaluation and ruling out of other disorders, the treatment is with Intravenous steroids according to the regimen prescribed by Optic Neuritis Treatment Trial (ONTT).
About 1% of patients with Optic Neuritis have some neurological disorder as the cause of optic neuritis and may require additional neurologic treatment.
Presence of optic nerve swelling in one or both eyes may not always be due to optic neuritis.
Sometimes, it may be related to some disorders such as
-Sudden rise of Blood pressure (known as malignant hypertension)
-Sudden rise of Intracranial tension
-Presence of a space-occupying lesion in the brain
It is such cases which need more detailed neurological evaluation to rule out some major neurological disorder.
Photograph A shows normal optic nerve with clear optic nerve margins. Photograph B shows blurred optic nerve margins – seen in Optic Neuritis