The first transparent layer of the eye just inside the white part of the eye(sclera) is known as Cornea.
It is normally transparent.
It works as convex lens working to focus beam of light onto the retina.
Common corneal disorders are Corneal ulcer and Corneal opacity.
Corneal ulcer is break in continuity of the external layer of cells of the cornea.
The common causes are injury, infection, exposure to chemicals – acids, alkali
Additional risk factors are reduced immunity as in Diabetes, post Chemotherapy.
Bacterial corneal ulcer presents with painful, red, watering eye with decrease in vision and difficulty in tolerating bright light (photophobia).
The battle is half won if it is diagnosed early and treatment started promptly. The treatment generally is for a few weeks atleastwith combination of antibiotics, lubricants, cycloplegics (relieve pain and ciliary muscle spasm) and needs frequent follow ups with an ophthalmologist.
If treatment is started early, the size of corneal opacity can be reduced and hence subsequent vision loss can be avoided.
Later stages may require Corneal transplant (Donated cornea from a deceased human being) for restoration of normal visual acuity.